Posts Tagged ‘campaign finance’

Turtle Juice – Budweiser

April 6, 2008

This week, CNN reported on a major source of funding for John McCain: inferior-quality, American beer. Although Budweiser tastes like a mix between urine and garbage water, next time you have one to drink, feel good about the fact that you might be helping out the McCain family’s finances.

Most of McCain’s massive wealth actually comes by way of his human wife, Cindy McCain. Cindy McCain was the heir to her father’s fortune as an executive at Hensley & Co, the third-largest wholesaler of said pisswater. John McCain doesn’t actually hold the massive wealth since it primarily resides in Cindy’s name. This has helped to keep John McCain separate from his wife’s business dealings, even though McCain’s close relationship with Anheuser-Busch and Budweiser helped in the past as this quote about McCain’s 1982 House run shows:

Anheuser-Busch’s political action committee was among McCain’s earliest donors. Cindy McCain’s father, James Hensley, and other Hensley & Co. executives gave so much the Federal Election Commission ordered McCain to give some of it back. McCain’s campaign used Hensley office equipment such as computers and copiers, and Cindy McCain personally paid some of the campaign’s bills.

Addionally, when McCain is not riding the straight-talk express, he is able to benefit from a little private jet time:

McCain’s campaign still taps Hensley assets: His presidential campaign paid at least $227,000 last year to a limited liability company in which his wife and children are invested, King Aviation, for use of its private jet, according to campaign finance reports.

Nonetheless, McCain’s wealth allows him to live separately from special interest groups, since he doesn’t have to peddle for cash like many of his colleagues in Congress. McCain also seems to understand the conflict of interest inherit in voting for alcohol-related issues while being in bed (literally) with someone in the industry: “McCain has long said he refrains from voting on beer industry-specific issues.”

The article also mentioned that “Senator McCain very rarely, if ever, drinks alcohol.” The article failed to mention whether or not McCain rarely drinks because Budweiser is usually the only option or if it’s because turtles aren’t equipped to imbibe alcohol. On a side note, imagine being water boarded with Budweiser. Aren’t you glad McCain is opposed to torture?