Posts Tagged ‘katrina’

Turtle Soup

April 29, 2008

Last week, John McCain made quite a stir by acknowledging the failure of government agencies in New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina.  “It was a perfect storm as far as the federal, state and local governments’ inability,” said the presumptive Republican nominee.  McCain went on to add that “never again will there be a mismanaged natural disaster.”  He stated that “Americans have not forgotten New Orleans.” 

John McCain should be lauded for going to New Orleans, because New Orleans is a scary place for John McCain.  It is a town drunk on turtle soup (flavored with sherry and thyme), where chefs in large hats roam the streets with hatchets, waiting to yank the poor creatures from their shell and throw them in a deliciouspot of beef stock, celery, onions and oregano.  McCain even had a close encounter with one chef (pictured left) during his stay there, but managed to escape due to slippery algae that had accumulated on his shell.

Some cynics noted that there are some problems with McCain’s statements, considering what he said about the 9th Ward earlier in the week:  “We need to go back to have a conversation about what to do: rebuild it, tear it down, you know, whatever it is.”  Many 9th Ward residents didn’t take to kindly to the “tear it down” part of that comment.  Primarily, they were offended at the implication that the government might “tear” down a part of the city where they owned their homes.  However, since John McCain visited there, the 9th Ward is no longer a forgotten part of America…isn’t that how it works?
