Posts Tagged ‘denver’

Mile High Turtle

May 27, 2008

StrangeTurtleToday, my hometown of Denver, Colorado had the honor and privilege of hosting John McCain. McCain spoke at my alma mater, the University of Denver. During his speech, he spoke about trying to hold negotiations with China to halt nuclear weapon production and about trying to enact a treaty with Russia to destroy more nuclear weapons. McCain also commented about the threat of Iran and North Korea in the nuclear weapon game. McCain also imparted this gem of wisdom on the Denver crowd: “There’s no such thing as good international citizenship. And America must be a good citizen of the world.”

During the speech, McCain was interrupted by protesters against the Iraq War. While the protesters were being escorted out, McCain said, “One thing we don’t do is interfere with other people’s right to free speech, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with these people.” McCain reiterated his stance on Iraq, saying, “I will never surrender in Iraq, my friends.” McCain apparently has a lot of of friends. Nearly 400 people attended the event, contrasting the 18.000 that showed up for this event, the 3,000 that showed up for this event (while it was snowing), the roughly 2,000 that showed up for this event and the 1,000+ that showed up for this event. You can feel the energy in the air for John McCain is palpable when he can draw about as many people as a Stryper concert (pictured above).

Tonight, McCain will have dinner with his more important/wealthier friends at the Stampede in Aurora, Colorado. It is a classy place indeed (too bad he’s going to miss ladies night).
