Posts Tagged ‘patriotic’

Turtle TV

March 30, 2008

“John McCain. The American president American’s have been waiting for.” Regardless of the fact that McCain’s first general election advertisement ends a sentence with a preposition, there is not a statement I more agree with. John McCain is the president for which America has been waiting. On Friday, John McCain’s campaign unveiled a new ad to demonstrate McCain’s ability to serve as the next president of the United States. As of now, the ad has aired only in the state of New Mexico.

McBirthMcCain’s new TV ad states that “John McCain has the experience to make change.” This is an important quality for a president to have. Don’t you hate when you’re at your local coffee shop and your cost is $3.27, you pay with a 5 dollar bill, but you only get $1.55 back? John McCain has the ability to give you that $1.73, and with an extension of the Bush tax cuts, maybe even $1.79. That extra $0.06 is enough to buy a steak dinner, a trip to the talking picture show and an ice cream at the ole’ ice cream parlor, or at least it was when McCain emerged from his shell (pictured left).

McCain’s advertisement also asks questions of the American people: “”What must a president believe about us? About America? That she is worth protecting? That liberty is priceless? Our people are honorable? Our future prosperous, remarkable and free? And what must we believe about that president? What does he think? Where has he been? Has he walked the walk?” Has he walked the walk? What is he? Shaft? However it takes a real president to ask the American people more questions than a mother asks her teenage son after coming home 4 hours after his curfew.

To get a real sense of McCain watch the advertisement here:

And if you’re opposed to moving pictures as a form of idolatry, read about the turtle.
