Posts Tagged ‘kentucky’

McCain gets his South on

April 25, 2008

This week, McCain lumbered to rural Kentucky as a continuation of his “forgotten places” tour.  Since it hasn’t had much recent land development, rural Kentucky truly is a forgotten place.  McCain said, “I wouldn’t be back here today if government had fulfilled the promises that Lyndon Johnson made 44 years ago,” a statement that, unfortunately, makes the tacit implication that Johnson’s proposals were a good thing.  “The moral of the story is — government isn’t always the answer” added the senior Senator from Arizona in the United States government.

McCain also addressed the health care issue facing many rural people: “[McCain] mentioned his proposal for a $5,000 refundable tax credit to allow families to ‘go out and acquire at least some level of health insurance,’ and added that he would recruit professional athletes to visit rural communities to talk about nutrition.”  McCain’s tax benefit should help to supplement the average $12,100 that employers and employees contribute to the average family health insurance plan.*  But who cares about that?  Obviously the most effective way to demonstrate nutritional responsibility is to bring athletic role-models like Jason Kidd, John Daly and Pacman Jones to rural Kentucky.

*Note = McCain wants to eliminate the corporate tax credit for health care which could shift the entire cost of health care to the consumers.  Whatever, I’m sure he has a plan for the $7,100 shortfall.
